I left my 1st page blank

By Awanda Gita - Juni 01, 2018

There still a space, for you, for the clarity, for our friendship, not more, that 1st page i left is for our story, as friend.

I just try to be a realistic, with no crazy love, with no tears, with mind fulfilled with future.

I just wondering, how hard your effort to catch a girl like her, my friend. You both were friend, close friend, even one from you already have the other one that day, you still waiting for her, your friend.

You prove her you serious with your long story of friendship. I don't know how nice you treat her like that. Suddenly i come and stole him, how cruel i am?

No, im not that kind of person. I know both of you as well. Even with silence, i know that one of you has more feeling, but never really captured by the people.

I staring at him when im finishing my paper, he sat on the bench,  in front of me, and she did also. Staring your back with that pencils you move like you actually thinking the answer.

I look to other side, and back to you. You turning your head to left, and saw her finishing her paper. She looks at you, and you look at her in the same time. She smiles and you too, you both were so cute, having that shy-smile.

"Im with my paper im with my paper" i try to refocused my thought to my paper.
"it's ok it's ok to be here"
"im ok im ok, all is well, im ok"

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