A Short Review about "Keluaraga Cemara" Movie

By Awanda Gita - Januari 15, 2019

Abah, Euis, Ara and Emak

I was surprised that this movie was adapted from '90s TV series. I was from '90s generation but on the last '90s, and sure I didn't know about this series.

She was my favorite singer, Bunga Citra Lestari who sang one of the soundtracks, first thing first I was interested in the way BCL sing and I felt the warmth of the song. For people who never watch the movie before, maybe the song is the most important part to gain audiences.

Keluarga Cemara is a family movie which tells us about a family who tries to survive from bankrupt, they try to adapt from a high-middle economic to a lower one. The main character was Abah, Emak, Euis, and Ara.

Generally, the scriptwriter success to make a real situation that every family will be faced. The actor and actress did their job well. I am as the audience feel what Euis feel like a teenager, as a girl who still tries to adapt to a current situation. She found new friends and new environment to grew. Euis did things she never thinks before. Fortunately, there were good friends who helped her a lot.

Ara was Euis's little sister, her innocent was the best thing in this movie, Ara brings a strong character of what the child will do with a whole condition.

Abah and Emak was another main character to tell. Both of them depict really perfect parents.

The plot, the setting were perfect. It took place in a cozy house near a hill and surrounded by warm people.

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